Web Marketing School now in Beta!

Welcome to my new site – WebMarketingSchool.com ๐Ÿ™‚

this is a housekeeping post,
but there is a very special first ‘real’ post being published later this morning.

Why have I built this site?

While my personal blog has had a great year, with over 100k visitors and a thousand comments across less than 20 posts, it has been frustratingly limiting from time to time.

Some of my best received posts have been “intermediate” level tutorials, ย and I would love to create more of those, but a personal blog isn’t really the best place to publish that kind of stuff.

That is where the idea for WebMarketingSchool (WMS) has come from!

What’s the Aim?

wms-screenFirst and foremost – this is a community resource.

The tutorials section is where a lot of my work will be directed, recording lessons from basic through to advanced in the key areas of SEO, PPC & Social Media, but what path that takes will be guided by demand from the community.

You can have a say as to what topics should be covered just open a thread over in the forum.


What’s this about a forum?

As soon as you have created an account to access tutorials, you get immediate access to the forum as well!

I will be constantly monitoring all threads and helping out replying to any questions whenever possible.

There will be an absolutely zero tolerance policy on spam, link dropping, or running up post counts with nonsense responses as well.

There are sections (albeit empty right now) for SEO, PPC, Social Media & General Marketing, and we can add more areas or sub-forums as needed in future, if there is anything you think is missing just post a thread in the suggestions area.

Every Community is Built on the Strength of its Members.

This is of course, absolutely true – and a community is nothing without active members. ย Its taken a lot of work to get the site to this point, but now I need your help!

I will be heavily active in the community, as will other experts – and lets put it this way, if you want my input on your web-marketing you could either pay a few hundred pounds an hour, or just be a member of our community ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hope to see you all round the forums,

Martin MacDonald
Founder: WebMarketingSchool.com

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