About WebMarketingSchool.com

Web Marketing School (WMS) was originally launched in 2009 using content from the personal marketing blog of founder, Martin MacDonald.ย  Between 2015 and 2018, the site remained dormant, and we removed the learning videos, as much of the content was stale by this point. One stat that we are proud of: the first 40 posts published on this site between them earned over 2,200 (real) comments, from industry experts.

Our Mission Statement:

WMS is intended to be a resource for digital marketing professionals to learn, develop and discuss the latest strategies in digital marketing – in an environment that is free of spam, self promotion and any form of toxicity.

We welcome contributions from other digital marketers, and all content published will be innovative, best practice lead, or thoughtful industry commentary.

Why WMS is Needed:

In the early days of digital marketing, dozens of blogs sustained a large proportion of industry learning. In recent years these publications have mainly fallen by the wayside, or been monetized by selling out to advertisers which has compromised their editorial policies.

In 2021 the majority of content published covering SEO, social media and content marketing is provided by marketing software companies. This presents its own editorial challenges as these vehicles exist to promote their own products or services.

WMS is different, it is provided to the community to fill this gap in a commercial free environment.