The Curious Case of Camper Shoes

I stumbled on this less than 20 minutes ago across a twitter conversation concerning rankings for the keyword term “camper men shoes“. Its hardly a big money search term but it seems to be the subject of a bit of mud-slinging-intrigue.


I’m not one to start outling networks – Ive operated my own, and lost domains in the past.

But…. sometimes I just rise to a bit of trolling so here goes.


The story starts at this comment on ‘moz:


but the bit that got me interested was:


I did no networks. I own no networks. I did straight white hat SEO
<<< I love that kind of statement!


So, lets take a quick look:  here is the page in question that is ranking for that query:

and here are a sample of the backlinks that *were* pointing at it:

Link from anchor camper men shoes camper men shoes camper men shoes camper men shoes camper men shoes camper men shoes camper men shoes


Sure, these three sites certainly DONT look like a network do they? (much)
… not only that, but they are pretty much a stock standard same theme rubbish network of bull**** posts – the kind you can pick up on warrior/dp etc. for $2 a post, writing included.


But that’s not all in this “secret SEO recipe for success“.

Lets take a look at the following sites:
So – we’re putting links on parked domains as well?  Not really that big a deal I suppose – again though, I would probably lean towards calling this a network.


My favourite links have to be the ones on the straight article submission sites though….  you too can have a trawl through all the sites that linked to that page with that anchor text in the last week by downloading the following excel file:

Fun Spam Links Spreadsheet <<DOWNLOAD LINK


So – the secret recipe of SEO success is as follows:

1) find an easy to target term
2) put a page up with the fundamentals right
3) stick a couple of hundred links around the place, that you KNOW you can remove quickly
4) wait a few days
5) troll people on twitter and seomoz
6) rely on stale-ish index’s like linkscape (sorry mozzers!) not picking things up quickly
7) look like a dick when you are outed.


Moral of the Story:  Don’t post bold claims you can’t backup, unless you’re damn sure nobody can figure out what you did!


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